My understanding is that store managers aren’t told anything until a few weeks before a release. I’m sure he isn’t deliberately misleading you but...
thats the crux isn’t it, On a good day we can do 3x 2.5k games in a day but it’s a long old day haha
lower points games force you to make tough decisions about what kind of list you want to make though. Almost makes it more interesting, takes a...
I’m printing my first chaos dwarf army so I am here to learn! what would you take at 2k and 2.5k?
Deciding between whether to do big hats or no hats for my chaos dwarf 3D printed army
I think the fact that the slann can be put in the second row to avoid challenges is our counter to say the hammerers rule?
ohhhhhhh you negative Nancy, it’ll be great! This is all good stuff! I’m ready to get my heart broken!
this is the most amazing thing I could have read. I am so happy.
My gaming group has had the exact same conversations and we have concluded: 1. Predatory fighter only effects the first row (we have played both...
Well yeah, that does rely on there being a hill for the cannon to be deployed on (which is a terrible idea). We rarely play with hills simply...
I haven’t yet! Bloody social distancing rules here in the uk seems to be lasting forever! Didn’t get a single game in last year and hell knows...
I do not have a chaos dwarf army yet but I have been subscribed to lost kingdom miniatures Patreon and will be purchasing a 3D printer soon and...
I usually take 4x 10 minimum. This way you can win the deployment war by putting down more chaff than the opponent. And I use chaff lightly
I would use this, I currently have some dwarfs as eBay rescues and while the bugman brewery forums are great, this forum still remains the best...
I agree, however my point is that it is POSSIBLE to do Yes it would render the large target rule pointless, however due to a cannon working like...
I am sorry that is incorrect. P10 of the BRB regarding line of sight: "you must be able to trace an unblocked line from its eyes to any part of...
Mind me asking what the plan with lore of beasts is?
8th edition is very anti-monster. There's too many ways of dealing with them, cannons are the main one. This is a shame because I love monster...
Bah you're probably right. Just seemed odd, I don't know of any other army book that has as many mistakes in it as ours does. Could it just be it...
I firmly believe that GW had a few options on the table in the form of end times, AOS and a 9th edition ruleset etc.. There’s a few rules in our...