I think that you played it correctly, however it isn’t clear cut. You need to pass a stupidity test before you can declare a charge under normal...
Battlescribe for me
That’s why I suggested regular saurus - krox at at STR 7 aren’t going to need poison. I’m currently building an ark of sotek bastiladon to test...
I get that on their own they are a bit weak, but is there any merit in them giving other units poisonous attacks? Sending a single swarm in with...
Has anyone done the full Ark of sotek, Jungle swarms and Tehenhauin combo? can anyone report how it fares?
Genestealers are a prime example of the 9th edition points hikes, from 10 to 15 points each, 50% increase. A 40 Genestealer/Broodlord combo has...
I don’t get the obsession with space marines, they are so boring.
Well, it was more “which one shall I build FIRST...” ;)
Are you implying that the stegadon mounted bolt thrower is also not a bolt thrower...? I think "it's a bolt thrower using the following rules..."...
Deciding between assembling Stegadon number 3 or bastiladon number 3...
Hello! I’m on the hunt for the big ring part that sits on the howdah for the engine of the gods. If anyone has it sitting around as leftovers I...
can the high elf sky cutter march and shoot if equipped with a great bow? Great bows are slow to fire but the skycutter is technically a...
Let’s face it, even in the form I suggest it’s not enough to make You take Kroak over a regular slann every time, more of a novelty choice that...
No worries! I don’t know on what premise it’s ok to accept that it works as a bubble but not in combat, all or nothing surely!
I would need double my current number of skinks to try this list xD
I think you should discuss this with your game group using the evidence I linked below There is the classic “unless otherwise stated” clause....
Do you play so that Kroaks spell targets units already in close combat?
I voted 8, I am truly optimistic. I firmly believe that GW know that they did wrong when they introduced the end times and did away with 9th...
Stand down! The ETC FAQ only applies to Lord Kroaks spell and not predatory fighter
Oh of course, Like is say, my particular group didn’t accept it when I tried it but they do accept the other “contentious” rules - mostly in terms...