What about one sail on top of the end of the tail? If you cut away the scales on top of the tail and the lower part of the sail (the connection to...
Cool Dryads! Now there are only six left to paint, right? What are you planning for the bases? Edit: As I was writing my post you've posted...
That's an awesome Caronsaur-conversion! It's like a meaner version of a Carnotaurus:D Keep it up, can't wait to see this one finished!
Sorry that I've posted no better pictures of the first paint test, it's been a busy week again... But yesterday I've managed to paint another...
Yeah, I'll see if I can take another picture with better light in the course of the week. Thanks! The stone will definitely get an higtlight - as...
So, I've painted for the first time in a long time. Seems I've gotten a bit rusty and in dire need of practice! :( The test drive for the Saurus...
Great stuff (figuratively and literally)! And rightly so - she's a great centerpiece for your army! Yeah, I'm kinda hooked on that idea now......
Love your Dinosaur conversions, especially the Thunderlizard! :) Right now I'm looking at my Dinosaur models from Papo - the Ankylosaurus would...
Great! Looking forward to see crazy chameleon skink conversions!
I'll tackle them when my lizardmen are done. I've got to focus on one project at a time or I'll get nothing done... :(
The Warhammer Underworlds warband boxes are a (relatively) cheap source for faction specific bitz. Have you checked out the bitz-stores on ebay yet?
Cool stuff and really fast progress! With an output like that you'll have a massive army of fiery lizards in no time. I like your conversion idea...
Then I'll copy that building technique when I'll finally get to tackle scenery for my lizards! Seems perfect for building step pyramids.
Kudos to you, I lack the corage to confront my pile of shame, yet inventory it!:eek:
Your fine samurai remind me of my pile of shame, including a lot of samurai from a kickstarter long ago (Kensei by Zenit miniatures)... They're...
The stonework looks very convincing, I like it! Is it just isolation foam from a hardware store or something special?
I think I found a way to sculpt sashes without sculpting them - PVA soaked fabric seems to do the trick. Whilst my first tries with PVA soaked...
That's such a great Gaming Room! Really cool, Warden!
Thank you! Sometimes grammar jumbles my mind...
I guess that's because in the end this kind of biped posture is just something entirely different from human biped posture. Those animals just...