So far I managed to get the bases done. I guess I have to throw myself into it to get everything done this month. Get nice bases for my warbands...
Thank you both, Warden and Lizards of Renown! I hope there will be hobby time tomorrow. There are only a few bits missing to get them ready to...
Actually a lot of triassic Archosaurs like almost all Ornithosuchidae (the most familiar would be their namesake Ornithosuchus) had the ability to...
Thank you very much, Warden! But I'm afraid it'll take some time till they finally see a game for I'm working on a very slow pace (work eats up a...
My goals for this month are: Get nice bases for my warbands done. Add some finishing touches (most of all figuring out how to get sashes for...
Congratulations to all winners! And thank you all for your stories, I really enjoyed reading them!
Cool stuff, Imrahil! And that piece of wood is a really nice way of presenting those models! :)
Thanks! Now I'm happy to have ordered the medium ;)
It is done! With assembling two Terradon Riders and the last saurus and skink braves both warbands are complete. There are some finishing touches...
Phew! Thanks to a fu***ng lot of work in the past week this has gotten unexpectedly close... Assemble the remaining 2 Terradon Riders for my...
This is exactly what was going on in my head! Maybe it's because you've got 4 votes instead of the 3 we're accustomed to. First makes you think...
Great stuff, I really enjoyed reading! Though voting wasn't that enjoyable, cause the decision was a pretty tough one... Kudos to all...
It's been a while since I've last swung the brush, so I figured Contrast paints would make it easier for me to get into it again. That's a cool...
Wasn't sure if it was just the regular GW marketing talk or if it really impairs the paints. It's just that I'm preparing an order for a bunch of...
Hey folks, does anybody has any experience with zenithal priming and Contrast paints? As far as I've read you'll need those satin finish...
You've got a lot going on there! I really like the look of your Saurus Knights, especially the whole lot of them together. That's a stampede of...
Amazing stuff! Your painting skills are brilliant and the conversions are grand, too! I'm converting those Blood Bowl minis as well, but I just...
I finally figured out how to put pictures attached to the post into the text! It seems I'm a bit slow on the uptake sometimes ;)
Just've read the first story of the contest and really enjoyed it. Will definitely read on. I'm curious to find out which is yours when the...
Cool stuff! Can't wait to see that harbor! By the way, I was recently looking for input regarding water effects (I'm planning a Liopleurodon...