Yeah... i wasn't. Only thing I'll have to show till end of this year will probably be recording of my coughing. :D Anyways, to all, I don't know...
I went for The Office and The Breaking Bad. Mostly because I live in non-english speaking country, I've only seen 4 of all those (at least parts...
Nothing fancy, just a nice simple paintjob to get things done. :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Second update of the month. Things are finally moving forward! :) Plague bloat drone - missing base Isengard berserkers Isengard demo team German...
Great ideas all around and I can't wait to see skink enginseer!
Yup, not go na lie, I spent half of my time at modellers club today by looking at it in awe. It. Is. Massive. :D
Tau Tiburon (Hammerhead proxy) finished! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Finally! Taunar body is on base... At least skeleton base... But it is standing and that is what counts. So far three tubes of superglue and about...
For the last two weeks, I´ve been unable to do any focused painting, so I ended up cleaning parts when kiddo was warching movies or eating...
Congratulations to winner @Explodingzeb ! Looking forward to next round.
Yesterday, I picked up prints from colleague. He went crazy assembly line mode and printed 6 beds for me. :D I got up at 5 AM today to process...
So far so good and it's been almost two weeks of them coughing. But since I might have just jinxed it, I better go and make some hot tea. :)
First update of the month: I went full parent mode as both kiddo and better half are laying ill. :D Plague bloat drone Isengard berserkers...
Kiddo painting -Volume two: electric boogaloo :D This time it was old twice paint stripped pox, because as he said (roughly translated): "my...
Lifelike! Stellar job!
Froggy in work. :) [ATTACH]
That is some dedicadion! :D looking forward to them. Maybe something from mechanicus? Those infiltrators of theirs have some power baton limbs....
Oof. I think I'll spend december by finishing couple more drawer models that are sitting ducks for multiple months and rest of stuff I started...
Really really nice entries everyone!