Final update of the month: Paint last unit of pathfinders Paint couple of plague marines Prime and preshade Slann Finish something for British...
I picked up someone's second hand 3D printed scans of blightlord terminators. They were cheap and I thought that those are low poly ugly scans...
Just wow! Those are really nice colours and it is based on real stuff, that is amazing.
But in very special time, new points leaked today. :D Also, colleague printed something for me! Partially sunken Warhound titan head as terrain...
Wow! What a great entry!
Darn, do we have new points? Any edition that was active during last 8 months :D
Scouts, scouts, scouts! Isengard officially crossed 2000 point line. :) [ATTACH]
Absolutely. They have that old school DnD feel
Last HQ for Bolt action germans done. That guy looks like proper holywood antagonist. He even has a monocle :D [ATTACH] Thanks, I am slowly...
Those old minis are really cute! Also, nice birdie!
Second unit of stealth suits done. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
That unit came out majestic. Good luck with moving.
Congratulations to your 20th birthday, for twelfth time. :)
More bolt action germans. I need some guys to put into those halftracks I am working on. :D Anyways, 10 man squad with assault rifles. I donĀ“t...
Welcome! You'll find everything you need here. :)
Yup, good thing that it took only about three brushstrokes each to base paint them :)
Well, enough time has passed, I guess :D [ATTACH] Also, those Nurglings mark 1000 points of Death Guard for this year, yay! :)