We can't say what will be good in new edition for sure, so I would hold assembly for at least a couple of weeks. One thing can be said for sure -...
Coalesced were actually nerfed, because mage heroes and astrolith are key units for them too.
EotG would be 100% better. I can see point in chief+eotg or chief+30 club skinks combo, but not chief instead of eotg
I suppose, main targets of the nerf were blocks of 30 skinks in TL, salamanders and Kroak. Since scaly skin reduces damage from incoming attacks,...
I am also not sold on saurus/starborne lists everyone started trying. I think that kroak was hit by scaly skin changes harder then anyone. With...
My point was - sarus maybe not the most durable guys out there, but neither they are squishiest. -1 damage (basically ignore bounty hunters, if...
So do hordes melt or it is a huge buff to them? Make your mind.
Rip 30x coalesced builds. Other than that nothing much has changed. It is funny to see razordons going up in price on top of this nerf. Flyers are...
[IMG] *Sad trombone sound*
Poor Lumineth only getting a single hero instead of whole new range in 2 years. What a shame!
Not only that. The army has to have a reliable way to cast it and we do. Even without asto it has 24" threat range, which is huge. We can both...
Astrolith+Slann+Starseer=rend -3 solar engine.
Maybe 30 saurus may finally be worth it. With clubs and starvenom they can wreck stuff and have survivablity. Scaly skin = they will suffer less...
Kroxigors, your time has come!
Rumors stated FS vs IDK, so it is pretty much given, considering rumor engines too.
Drop lifeswarm and 10 skinks or a priest and you are king again. Or just 1 sally.
I'd prefere it to be limited to 10 or less wound models, so it would be easier to protect squishy buff characters. Now with 6+ it gives...
Once again - if flyers were that good, the extra 10 points wouldn't be a barrier to use them. Actually, my mate, who used 3 terras dropped them...
Except that in case of bastiladon there's nothing to be neutered. It is literally a pile of wounds, nothing more. I also don't buy the arguement...
Well, now this lists will drop everything else to leave as much salamanders as possible. I remember bringing 12 - that was spamming. 3x2 is normal...