Congrats to @Y'ttar Scaletail on the win! Truly deserved! And to all the authors who took part in this, you should be very proud of your stories....
Kappa are a very strange and very cool inclusion. I would say they probably fit well in the fae realm. "You feel someone massaging your liver....
Yeah, I think it was written specifically for the movie, but still a bang up song.
Welcome aboard! I think @Tk'ya'pyk, @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl and @BrotherSutek may be able to help out with the 6th edition stuff.
If it isn't from @Mrs. NIGHTBRINGER it isn't the perfect cake now is it?
Woot! Achievement Unlocked! 9 to 5 [ATTACH] A song to celebrate the occasion [MEDIA] And the Manchester United Song for the British folks: [MEDIA]
Welcome to poor financial decisions and a whole lot of fun!
Tough call. Personally I would do one of each, the carnosaur is just a fantastic model. Maybe @Killer Angel @Erta Wanderer @Kilvakar...
You are correct, the atmosphere is easy to brush off as Lovecraft, but Lovecraft could have the entire short story length to describe the...
There are horse hoof style boots, but they're basically high high heels, and wouldn't be great for 4+ hours. A vampire is an easy one to pull...
Well what else could be the reason? These are all great!
Nah, just excited to see if I was right about which story was written by thedarkfourth.
Always I go for the "Day of the Tentacle"/"Maniac Mansion" purple tentacles.
You may be a bit burnt out. It's okay to take a few days off, not just from the hobby, but from work and everything else. Outside of visiting...
Thank you! Same to you.
Always with the rules and proper procedures!