Look at that incredible detail! This is an enviable terrain piece! This looks great so far!
Today I am trying to figure out how to vote on the Artisan's Contest on CDO:...
Wow! These look incredible! Reminds me that I should put some paint to mine! Might be handy to have for D&D. Brilliant colour scheme, the wagons...
Looks like this needs an update, but this is an amazing resource @Killer Angel
The way you manage to juggle all of these storylines is amazing. Wonderfully written and great suspense throughout.
I caught on to the silent G Gollum right away, but to think that they're on par with chameleon skinks makes them that much more awesome. Got an...
That is until a faction of Gnomish Ram riders come calling!
With 4 more voters we could have 6- 5s and a 4. As it stands this is still incredibly close.
Oh those are pretty sweet!
When you upload the image, under your post (before posting) there should be an option to add the image as full sized. Select that. You can edit,...
The best version of Potter: [MEDIA]
So maybe a few with private gardens for just such a purpose. But it definitely is cool.
This sounds amazing. I imagine the poison trade for assassins is also quite lucrative. Need to paralyze a target? Honey made from rhododendron....
All hail Hypnotoad
I knew it all along! You have at least 7 very distinctive writing styles
These all look incredible, but the bloat toad is my favorite! Such amazing detail on that tiny little model. Amazing work!
Looking horrific. And by that I mean looking good. Great job on that tentacle arm!
No problem! For additional clarity my votes went to 5 and 7. That was a hard fought battle. Sincerely one of the most difficult times I had...