Here you can see all the math from our Warband: [MEDIA] What do you guys think? How about this lists: Saurus Guard Leader (220) 2x Terradon...
So Saurus Guards protecting Kroxigors protecting Razordon? Sounds awesome to me! You get the big prize!
Alright, nice job! Now for level two, see if I can make my dream a reality. Is there a way to play Kroxigors in a MOSTLY Saurus list? Like Saurus...
Also, 1000 points to whoever finds a place for Kroxigors
GUYS AS SOON AS YOU GET YOUR BOOKS, GET TO PLAYING Start experimenting, play, play, play, and report everything!! This community is the biggest...
I misread the article sorry. When it says "swap the skink chieftain on stegadon for a Slann statmaster" I thought they meant that RIP
Edit2: Nevermind, I misread the article Edit3: Deleted to avoid provoking rage
I don't even know what to do, I've been saving money for this and I would like to spend it on other stuff if the rework is coming in 3 months xd
I don't know man I just want some hope back
That Rumour Engine looks to be for an upcoming Amazon Blood Bowl team
Guys, guys. What about: gw saw that we were disappointed by the lack of new models and they decided to finish some on-going Seraphon projects...
I really don't think they expect you to buy every single army though xd probably one or two, and the more varied the range is, the more people it...
Wait... What? Why?? Why would you want it to go slower? Do you not like the quality? Who doesn't like new stuff? I don't understand D: Also, happy...
We're 4h38 from our big Seraphon reveal!
It's a beautiful experience. It uses large but thin tenderloin steaks from one of the, if not the best meat in the world: uruguayan or argentinian...
This is amazing!! I'm uber excited, and that's an awesome illustration too! I'm sure the Battletome will be a great read at least. The best...
GW has the writers. There has been thousands of books written around alien races. They can do it right, there are no excuses if they wanted to
How do we get this thread to games workshop? How can we get a voice in this???