Genius! I was thinking of doing the same, I even got to make two 1400 points lists, with the Saurus one having a Slann (in a miniature fangs of...
Nice idea!! Thanks man I will definitely try that out :)
I summon forth the magnificent members of this community to once more assist me in my time of need! I want to show some friends the game, so I...
He's too amazing
It's freaking awesome!! Is it yours? Are you going to start playing flesheaters? What's the deal here, you'be been doing crazy progress very fast,...
Is it still possible to buy these? I can't seem to find how :(
Alright! Good job, man! I'd maybe suggest to further thin your paint and further clean your brush before highlighting just to get that little more...
Looking awesome!!!
Beautiful and amazing work! Keep it coming!!
Those are epic places you've got around! I'm moving to Marseille next week, I really hope there are events like that, it sounds great!
That's amazing, like actual GW stores or third-party hobby shops? I'd love to participate in those tournaments!
Great to know, looking forward to it!
Awesome work man, post more!
What is store credit??
LMAO yes I didn't have time to do more than that before the match, I'm in the middle of moving to the south of France! The demented Slann is an...
I had to! He was tearing me apart, you really feel over ran by undead monsters that just keep coming and don't seem to ever exhaust, FEC is a...
I am the only noob regular in my local store. All the others know how to play and they have NEVER given me an easy time. I always got absolutely...
Perfect explanation! And isn't Dimensional Blade better for Sunblood instead of betrayer's crown? What do you think?
Awesome as always, wizard, a heroic figure without a doubt. Thanks for that list, it looks pretty swell! I've always wondered how does...