Hate to say it, but Yoda is wrong. There are sometimes more than two votes and sometimes fewer. A few times it's been as high as five and a few...
Mahrlect trash pandas. I have nightmares that look like this meme.
All trilogies are equally inferior to the Kung Fu Panda trilogy.
Poison Ivy did turn him into a tree once. I don't want a Dr. Claw action fiction. I want a Dr. Claw sits in a chair with his back turned to the...
Hypothetically, if the sales person sits through Aku's full minute monologue, then after you ask if the warranty covers insect robots, they...
It's also eight zeros. To use one of mighty Scalenex's old posts commerating Nightbringer's Octuple Slannhood (sooo sooo long ago), here are...
Putin didn't put his nuclear weapons on standby because he wants to nuke Ukraine. It's way of say "Uh uh uh!" to any outside nation that is...
[IMG] Uggh, I can't be responsible with my eating, sleeping and exercise schedule, how can I be expected to use my vast panda based super powers...
[IMG] What ain't no planet I ever heard of. Do they have universal translators in What?
This week's China Uncensored had a lot of interesting stuff in it. Apparently it's not just the International Olympic Committee is corrupted but...
I found it disappointing that when he was (briefly) the head of all of Cardassia he kept the title Gul. On screen he was trying to show humility...
I imagine selling out to the CCP is a lot like collaborating with the Galactic Empire. Failure is not tolerated, and "I am altering the deal,...
If it is true you periodically hibernate in the sea, feel free to surface every three months. There will be another short story contest and you...
Yeah, but humans don't realize they are ruining cute animal photos with their hideous countenance.
This quote could look really bad out of context....:p
I happen to like cute black and white animals for some unknown reason. What if the song was panda, panda, panda, panda bamboo bamboo.
Zorro is a separate person, but in Latin America, there is a mysterious handsome and heroic swashbuckler beloved by all known as El Panda Rojo. [IMG]
No, post-Covid 19 train robbery looks the aftermath of racoons knocking over garbage cans. [MEDIA] I've seen lots of videos covering this with...