Thanks for these! I look forward to your reviews. The always seem to tease something out about each story.
At the last count there were 18 votes in the last one
That is so grusome and cool! I love the jade weapons too.
Checking here a couple times a day to see when/where the votes start dropping. Also props for letting saurus have different pronouns :D I like to...
When I find it again, I'll post it. I was kind of hoping there was more info about it as this is a phenomena that I wanted to work into a story I...
It looks Egyptian. So if it is GW then its going to be Tomb Kings related
I remember reading a little more about the ferals. There is no slann but spawnings still happen. It would suggest that Skinks were the key to...
There is some very good writing here! An uncharacteristic lack of Chaos Dwarfs though :P One person here at least has an outstanding literary...
He's got a cute little lizard friend!
It looks pretty good. I've got kind of a vision for my terrain which probably doesn't help. Looking to create some kind of swampy jungle ground...
Those wing spikes look incredibly cool!!
I swear, I'll learn how to do basing one of these days
Got two more boys done! At this rate I should have a complete army by the time the sun burns out. These are two squad champions. One from the New...
Doing some silly art. Might do some more later [ATTACH]
I'm getting my shit together guys. Its been a rough time of fire-fighting at work since I got back from new year
Just throwing another idea out there- in the original ball game, I think players had to hit the ball with their hips. Maybe the more saurian take...
Thanks for sharing that! It sounds super interesting tbh. I should probably read up on Bloodbowl at some point. I always assumed it was a...
Top notch eyeliner game on this guy!
Damn, these are great!
Been dipping in and out on painting my two saurus infantry seargents. While giving them a bunch of straps, belts and accessories make them look...