Couldn't agree more, the wolves look great. I think my favorite part of the model has to be the fur cloak.
Done a huge update to the 'Copper desert' Region spotlight, Splitting it up into more neatly organised segments whilst also adding lots of...
Watching as the priest revealed the tool a spark of recognition flared in the saurus’s eyes and nostrils, the two of them returning to firmly hold...
Sweet scene of productivity [IMG] [IMG] --- Finished the tree trunk itself (Apart from final washes) and started going about the mud by first...
--- Xolek-zi --- The sound of a satisfying woosh rang out, followed by a gurgled scream. Squinting through the light which emanated from his...
--- Xolek-zi --- Xolek’s harsh shout’s drown out the buzz of battle, awakening some form of recognition and understanding in Xiuhcoatl despite...
---= Fauna =--- The climate of the Copper desert limits the number of animals living permanently here, in this extreme ecosystem. Some interior...
--- Region Spotlight: The Copper Desert --- - Rough translation attributed to a saying of Lord Madalla, Mystic of totality - High slann mage...
Sounds like a pretty interesting theme that gives you a lot of freedom... Not sure if I want to chance entering with a short story of my own......
--- Tezka --- Just as Tezka fought with the Oldone's fury, so too did Texcoco, the carnosaur proving its battle worth through delivering yet...
Looking good, I like the base effects along with the bronze weaponry
Certainly was tedious, Im not yet to finish, but I managed to get quite a good purchase using the really small magnet manual miniature drill type...
Work's been a little slower this week, however I think things are about to gear up with these rock's and tree which will work as a really good...
--- Result of the first volley of arrows --- Following a cry coming from the carts Quas felt a sharp pain piece his chest, and then another -...
--- Tezka --- With gritted teeth, shouting as they came, one of the logger’s had managed to strike a hitting swing amidst the chaos. Focused on...
[Decided to go ahead and work on a new system in terms of stats, Ill keep you guys updated and we will try to use them when they are finished,...
--- Tezka --- The infectious, and ever intoxicating smell of blood rapidly began to overpower the scent of burning, meanwhile the melody shouts...