Pretty self explanatory. My first layers of mud are added (There is a lot more to come obviously) And I have sprayed all the bits Im going to be...
Suddenly Omeotl halts the group. Without giving a word, the chameleon lets loose the dart loaded into his blowpipe before, now no longer concerned...
Xlauax Feels a cold hand grip his arm, Omeotl, who had perfectly blended in with the surroundings leans in, unstringing the large blowpipe from...
I have started work on really making the 'rock face' of the altar cove area, smoothing out all the walls. I find using lots of water in...
Awesome thread, I've been wanting to have a go at this myself for a long while, my Idea being to have a cohort of 'Huanchi' themed skinks (The...
Decided to pick up a giant cobra from reaper miniatures, The sculpt came even better than I thought, so most likely going to change the...
Tik’s expressed caution was well warranted. From his scouting he could quickly see that the flame was not the threat, but rather, the threat would...
Yeah I was certainly thinking about that sort of thing about having it more of a ceremony as you described, although I will need to leave space...
Following my plan I laid out some bits and pieces to get a better look of what the altar will look like including the ark of Sotek - Although Im...
Honestly Im feeling tempted to put an ark of sotek onto the central pillar thats just spewing out snakes down into the sacrifice pit below [IMG]
The altar's progressing well. The bulk of the time I have put into it has been building up each individual layer of cork and carving it - Probably...
Surprised by not only Xiuhcoatl’s willingness to follow, but also forced to contemplate his bond with Sotek, which weighed heavy on his mind...
Days passed. Some days were long, tiresome and silent - The kroxigors and saurians out in front, Tezka and Quas among them, their muscles...
Thanks guys, As for the tree I have sort of put it on the side for now, although I would basically consider it finished apart from the canopy and...
[IMG] Whilst building it up further, I saw the opportunity to use some further aztec themed ruin segments, sort of intergrating them into rock...
Time to commit some thread necromancy, and breathe some life into this painting blog. Driven out of the hobby by my perfectionism a good 10...
Loving the colours, those models look great once printed. Good job on them
“Make It Bow.” Ohmen dares whisper within his mind as Nazaric turns to the creature, the scroll uncurling with a certain suggestion... It is...
Remaining mostly silent as they begin their ascent, Ohmen can be seen looking toward each of the creatures as he passes by, his eyes spending a...
Steadying himself, Ohmen allows the dust from the keystone to filter between his fingers. And as the particles fade away, he steps forward… Deep,...