Watching as Threespears leaves the two of them, Ohmen turns to the apprentice, taking off his hood to show serious eyes and the features of youth....
Giving another deep sigh, Ohmen skims over a page before closing the book’s lid in a jarring action. A slight anger, or rather annoyance, in his...
Gently responding to the monk with a nod, Ohmen takes in a deep breath, allowing the sounds of quiet research, gentle muttering and the occasional...
Wishing Piran well, and paying yet more respects to those who had been taken too soon, Terrowin leads out of the room, having extracted the...
Awesome. Could make for ancient or elder salamanders. Im tempted to pick some up.
Shaking off any sadness, Terrowin leans in to continue, standing in his authority and lordly garbs. “So you're telling me that they all, or well...
His face turning pale, Terrowin takes a deep breath, muttering the word. “Forty eight.. I-I thought there would be ten, maybe twenty.. But not...
Nodding gently, Terrowin takes a step back from the body flinching only now realizing the the gory nature of a mortician's job.. Leaning away, he...
Unlike Others, Ohmen Isn’t unsettled by such a prospect, And with such the changeling begins to head the Morgue’s direction. Wisdom taking flight...
“For sure Shiro, Weeks, Months even. But first as you say, our quest, and all what stands in our way towards its completion must be quelled..”...
Quietly following behind, taking in not only the surroundings but also the clothing and mannerisms of those around him, Ohmen enters the arched...
Last to sleep, first to wake. It had become routine at this point. Ohmen tried to force himself back to sleep, his efforts, however, were to no...
Gesturing to the door Ohmen steps to the side, allowing the others to enter first before following behind, having to bend down slightly due to his...
With the promise of a long walk out here in this desolation of snow and ice, Ohmen worked to set the group, such as it was, being composed of...
Whoah whoah whoah I need to read these posts and make my own lol, ill edit this one since its a place holder
As the scroll lights up, first runes and characters lock into place, next the magical apparition of some wisened man appears… Whilst Wisdom leaps...
With the slightly satisfying sound of crinkling parchment, Ohmen drags those scroll’s he had purchased onto a side desk before leaning his staff...
(Has the spells Glamour and Raiment of command applied, Means he gets more diplomacy among things of that nature) As Ohmen casts said spells with...
As the conversation sets off between both Izema and the Knollosi, there is a certain apprehension in the air, the clicking of wisdom’s talons...
Ohmen casts the scroll onto Izema, doing it in such a way to make it descrete and calm.