Could still happen, We do know Saurus can still take spears since you can see the spearshaft in one of the images but they didn't actually show...
Think about it this way, if it wasn't summer we wouldn't be getting even more kits
Now that they updated Saurus Warriors they kind of have to update Saurus Guard and Knights too right? Unless they want to pivot riders over to...
"That’s not all the Seraphon can look forward to in 2023 – this teaser is just the crest of an enormous wave of righteous reptiles poised to wash...
[IMG] [IMG] New Slann [IMG] [IMG] Dual Kit [IMG] [IMG] NEW SAURUS [IMG] Seraphon will be the Summer tome and there will be more models coming
[ATTACH] Well definitely a Slann on the right there
Yes they all get released on their own later, for example the Horns of Hashut and Rotmire Creed from the Warcry set before Sundered Fate got...
[IMG] Another sneak peak Will be released in February
Even if this one is a Skink focused Warband I fully expect a Saurus based one in a future season like Ironjawz also got 2 now
[IMG] New Chameleon Skink
They probably won't change anything, there will be an article on WarCom same as before just the seminar during Adepticon won't happen (Maybe they...
RAW it also doesn't say you can't do it multiple times so its possible, of course it will probably be gone with the errata or maybe we got it...
I just did some math: On a 4+ save target the Dread Saurian would do 10.21 damage with all of his attacks and he has 70 expected wounds with a...
That is actually a good point as GW doesn't seem to be very good at future proofing normally so as they wrote that in I believe they are at least...
The old Engine also had the effect of damaging itself difference is only that it was D3 mortals instead of 3 like now and there was a lower chance...
You mixed it up there Slann or Starseer as General and Slann and Troglodon for spell burning
And for points we get d3 from slann or starseer as general, d3 from one or more astrolith bearers on board and d3 per first spell not used on...
In an example where we have our slann as general a Astrolith bearer on the board and an additional oracle which would be 660 points in itself we...
the page with the summoning rules is only for starborn so as long as they don't print it even worse again for the coalescent only starborn have...
I hope we have other ways to get summoning points as the d3 from slann or starseer as general, d3 from one or more astrolith bearers and d3 per...