Kroak: It flies. Abilities: - Precise Divination: Start of hero phase make a 3D6 roll. For every 4+ you receive 1 CP. - Azyrite Force Barrier:...
on it
I just hope the final book wont have so many but looking back on their quality control in older books I don't think so
Also in the Temple image the Skink Starpriest is on a 32mm base but in the big one it looks like its on his old 25mm base so could be changed? Or...
For weapon loadouts missing are Skinks with blowpipes (Both with shield and clubs) Saurus Knights with blades (only the Alpha had them in the...
Just went through all the images and the units that haven't shown up yet are: Skink Priest Razordons Saurus Scar Vet on Cold One Saurus Oldblood...
Just a kitbash, they do this for every army, there is always some kind of custom terrain like the bone fortress for the OB
In the reveal video at 0:43 he summons a unit of Saurus warriors we just have to wait another 5 years then we have to get an update to our models...
Sylvaneth need multiple of their trees and GsG costs the same but I still think ours is a little overpriced
Prices are up Start Collecting Skinks $100 Battletome $40 Warscroll Cards $35 Realmshaper Engine $60 Battletome limited edition $80 Realmshaper...
[IMG] Realmshaper Engine seems to be on the pricier side
I really hope the ziggurat will be better than it sounds at the moment Sure it sounds thematic based on the jungle takes over but if "it’s a...
From the video: Full monster army is possible, Stegadons can be battleline
Last week was the Aeldari/books, 2 weeks was Valhallan made to order, 3 was AOS battlebox heroes and warcry stuff, 4 was PA5 and Titanicus stuff...
But if its supply issues then other factions should be affected too and the only other faction with multiple kits out of stock as far as I can see...
I just realised how much of our army is webstore exlusive, we only have 4 boxes available in stores which would explain why I never see us
Toyfairs are normally only for specialist games so maybe something new for kill team or the last teams for underworlds
But there is no reason for our book to still be in china when the Sons of Behemat battletome has already arrived in other countrys