The artifact that was designed in 2.0 and now turns off one of the warscroll abilities of every single saurus hero was "made for a carno"? Its a...
Still no fix to Koatl's Claw, which is so simple I cant believe it hasn't happened. Subfaction was destroyed by the 3rd edition changes but its...
Just wanted to comment on this, as that post was from a year ago and the meta and some mechanics have changed. The Heroic Recovery change in...
The tweaked list looks much better, though I would also recommend dropping the 10 man Warriors unit for either 5 more knights or a unit of...
That is a good Idea, Though it is usually a 3+ from Primeval Domain, and I often dont have much in range of it for a lot of the game, but I can...
The starseer and lifeswarm follows the 30 block around. 3d6 charge and save stacking/reduction is very useful, though I am considering dropping...
With the new GHB I think Saurus Warriors finally have a place in our army! (Albeit a single, specific place) A unit of 30 in Coalesced does...
Stegadons are good as you said, Saurus Knights are absolutely amazing in it though, since it fully doubles their damage, and they are so cheap....
Not anymore, new Skaven clanrats
I actually have that from when I ran 8th edition horde armies lol
If they gave it back the Totem Keyword and dropped it by ~50 points it would be decent. Currently it is more expensive, does less damage, and is...
I know durability isnt one of their problems, this would be more of a lore-focused shift. Saurus should not be a horde unit, and they should not...
After the.... dissapointing changes in the Winter FAQ, I thought I would start some discussion on what changes we would *actually* like to see...
Im really just sad that nothing was done to help the Saurus side of the book at all. Where are my 2 wound warriors? But seriously, Ive never...
Basically he fulfills one of three roles depending on the matchup. What makes him amazing is you can adapt those roles on the fly, and never have...
The rend -3 alone makes him invaluable. He recently replaced the skink cheif in my lists and while Im sad to not use the Horned King, good god is...
Picking between two similar lists, and also have no idea what artefact to put on the Engine in the first one. Amulet seems not great since it...
Not for the 3.0 Battletomes, which is not a good sign
I would definitely take Curse on the Engine, it can make the bastilidons straight up delete whatever target they shoot at. Everything else looks...
I would absolutely drop the Astrolith in Coalesced. With the new Primal Domain rule, you should mostly have army wide 6+ ward anyway, and 150...