I know I could do that, but 1) id rather have the tougher & taller Engine be used for the Patrols 'target' ability and 2) whether Im playing with...
Hey Im a bit late to the party here, but Im lost on this Trogezo thing Why exactly do they have to wrap around the one model that is in Base to...
tl;dr Can you take an Engine of the Gods in the Skink Patrol? Now first instict is automatically 'no', but some things were pointed out to me. In...
Do you think its worth running 2? I would like to run the Skink Patrol plus another unit of Rippers, would it be worth just throwing in the extra...
Im talking about the two formations at the back of most AoS army books Personally, I love the concept, giving great bonuses in exchange for...
First off, grab a second Salamander, drop one of the Ancients if you have to to fit it in. You are going to have a huge problem with hordes...
I actually think Death would work really well here. You dont have a Lot of Saurus to really worry about Purple Sun, and you said you play in an...
In the List with a Bastilodon, If i swapped to high magic I would drop the Bast for 2x2 Swarms. So if the Lores are the same one has foot-vets...
Keep in Mind either of these Lists could use Light or High Magic. If the first List had High magic (and dropped the Bastilodon for something)...
Anyone? Thoughts?
I was hoping you guys could give some thoughts on these two lists for Buckeye Battles. Some thoughts to keep in mind: Buckeye is on a pseudo...
@pinktaco Thats why I say to focus on a single lore, its much easier to get the spell you want if there are several of them and you get 3-4 spells
The main reason I take high magic instead of my preferred lore is two-fold. 1) My preferred lore is Light magic, which doesn't have much to do...
One big combination you missed out on is Death + Heavens. By Heavens I mean Tetto (this doesnt work at all without him). 11 spells can be too...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOxd2xvK9-g Shameless plug for my channel, thought this video could be some use here, so the most common posters...
The attack value has no effect on the number of shots for any model in the game (unless specifically stated). So he only has 3 shots
I just played a 1500 point game against them, I won, but it was mostly luck. I had Tetto + Scroll with 2x24 Saurus and 2 Salamanders plus some...
Better the lower points value. Hes really great until you start running a tricked-out Slann. Especially how I run mine (Loremaster High Magic) I...
As I said at the beginning of the post, 5 skirmishers plus a command model can capture objectives, thats why the skinks have braves. That also...
My current List (2153 points) is below, Im not sure what to fill the 350 points with. A few notes on odd choices, at this tournament almost all...