Please Please Please cut the Troglodon. for the same points you can take just about any combination of other units to do its job 5 times better....
Re: Standard Slann, No Monsters list- I face too many cannon I dont find much buffing being needed first turn, and throwing off that Sould...
Lords Saurus Oldblood Charmed Shield, Light Armour, Luckstone, Sword of Strife, The Egg of Quango Heroes Saurus Scar Veteran Battle Standard...
Lords Slann Mage-Priest Channelling Staff, Focus of Mystery, Harmonic Convergence, High Magic, Soul of Stone, The Becalming Cogitation Battle...
Re: Standard Slann, No Monsters list- I face too many cannon Like this list. I prefer Focus of Mystery because I can swap to the needed sigs...
not bad in theoy, however, some of your unit sizes are odd. TG with the slann would be 29 models, not full ranks in any way. Maybe cut 4 of them?...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the Lizardmen! Special Characters a awesome Lord Kroak list. Him, biggest unit of temple guard you can afford. (with...
Thanks for the input, need to get my hands on some of the paints but will definitly post WIP
you said your worried about MC, and I think with 2 Chameleon squads, Terradons, an Ironcursed TG, and only one monster to protect from cannon...
Much prefer this plan: Slann with high magic lore, cast damage spells to swap like normal. Swap everything you can afford to to death, to grab...
Yea the Rippers did have a field day once they got through stand and shoot, but so would anything else so I cant comment on their particular...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Update: Core add Jav/Shields only replace the blowpipe. They still have hand weapons!
I played a game with a terrible list (one of each new unit besides troglodon) just to see how stuff would do. Impressions: This list sucked,...
Finally decided on what Im going for, not going to do it this well but heres the idea [attach] Other Idea is this one [attach] though it...
What Ive seen as the new standard is Slann-Harmonic, Becalming, Soul of Stone, Channeling Staff, BSB, Focus/Wandering by preference
Well you have a 90.7% chance to get Throne of Vines. Sooooooo fine for friendly games, but not great for tournaments
Im of the opinion that currently, technically they shouldnt. However, I will be playing as though they do, because they should 95% get that FAQ'd....
Unfortunately dont have time to listen to this right now, can someone tell me where they thought our tier would be overall?
I see the two flyers as completely different roles. Terradons are mage/warmachine hunters and chaff killers. Rippers are for that unit of Chaos...
Re: No slann 8th edition - suggestions to be different or aw Personally, I like the idea of an army with two Beast Priests As your magic instead...