The Hollywood strikes showed a lot of people how little they are affected by a small group of people who are distributors of propaganda. I say...
I'm sure if you search for it someone has drawn a tau boob cannon.
Well I still make the comment that the showrunner probably thought Robin Hood was an American thing. Just because it's set in England, they speak...
I agree. It was very well done and Xanatos is still one of my all time villains. I enjoyed the Pack in general. The thing with Married with...
Great show that should have skipped the last couple of seasons.
Actually with typical random GW writing the fault is now firmly on the lap of Erda as she is now at fault for allowing chaos to sent the Primarchs...
We've had this when the town I work for hired Administrators for the last few years. The older ones tended to do the right thing for the town even...
When my friends parents were playing meh music my mother raised used to play Alice Cooper, Jethro Tull and the Moody Blues. Then the 80s came...
This needed to be said.
While this is funny and true I prefer the original. Skaven and lizardmen is the true art.
As a man who's played Ravenwing since 2nd edition when it didn't have real rules I whole heartedly agree. In third edition fielding 30 models in a...
Family Truckster!
I've seen a season but never had the time to invest to the whole series. There is so much to watch and do in the real world that TV takes a back...
Okay that's funny.
It might not have come up? While highly unlikely as most people discuss their jobs and interests at least a bit on dates. This might be a drunken...
I want to see this movie.
A man of taste.
What talk is this! Whatever fanfic you dredged this from is obviously someone who thinks Twilight is the height of storytelling.
[ATTACH] This is the only foofer I love. All other dogs are okay but this is my buddy.