It's part of their idiocy that every little thing must be explained. Mystery? Nah we have to tell you every little detail that doesn't need...
I have ever since they started the sequels. Mando season one was meh and that was the best I've felt for the train wreck they call modern SW.
There was a level of rage that Obi-wan show that made me turn to the dark side. Nothing against Hayden as he wasn't bad but the rest was an...
I liked her at first but most of what you said is how I feel as well. It was after Clone Wars I stopped thinking she was anything other than his...
In the words of Spock, "Pain!"
I did thos as well, not as well but same idea. It mostly was due to less funds back then and wanting 30 sword and board skeletons but not having...
The only one I really liked was the Dogs of War book. Having rules for 7th and 8th was great.
There are four lights!
I still choke up on this.
Movies just hate to have any actors who aren't young in them. Have you seen the movie Red? All the actors are older and high level for skill. The...
I'd be surprised if they didn't age a little but Beru is not 19 years older.
We all know this is the bedroom of a 50 year old. No judgment. I want to get my son a sleeping bag that is a tauntaun with the zipper being a...
I've seen this before and love it. I still remember being at my Grandparents house when this show first premiered.
I remember this and applaud the people who made this happen.
Ugh spelt Muttley wrong. You also have to threaten to take the medal away every now and again! I love talking to people around my own age, half...
I can't disagree with your logic. Mutley was one of the better sidekicks, even when he laughed at Dick Dastardly.
Cat wore it better.
I've mentioned this before but we did a test using the 8th edition book in 7th edition. The only thing we changed was movement spell allowed...
Imagine being able heal constructs more than one wound a turn! Glorious day indeed!
Just think if we had gotten the sphinx in 7th edition, it would have been so much better due to its high toughness that,unlike in 8th, meant so...