The Wardian Heresy is always a painful thing and the last few armybooks he wrote that broke 7th edition keep him fresh in my dislike. I will admit...
For his misdeeds in Warhammer Fantasy I will vote dislike. For his henchman Cruddace and his evil with the 8th edition Tomb Kings book...Exterminatus.
I can't get into Instagram it's anything thing to draw me into. Pinterest is already a time black hole. Went on it to find out how to paint a...
This hits a bit too close to home.
Quoted for truth.
It's things like this that show why I love this hobby.
Carrion with a 40" first turn charge was glorious! Sadly the upgrade was needed as you know. TK were so underpowered and the rules so clumsy,...
I agree and it hurt, esp in 8th. The army had some hidden speed in 7th with being able to charge with spells. Sadly still slow otherwise and in...
I started buying more stuff when the rumors of 8th started. Then bought a ton of stuff at the start, such as a second Casket. Then I kept getting...
I own 6 as well. Wanted to build the stalkers but I played against too many elf armies to make them worth it. I've seen some really nice 3D prints...
That was well made. Gives the tyranids a good threat level without going all in about the dozens of different hive fleets.
Or how I get to work each day.
I just like the idea that the shattered legions had and don't know why GW seems to hate the idea this edition.
I tend to rant on this a bit so I'll make it brief lol. IF have slowly been changed in the warhammer fluff, now they were the best Legion in the...
It's so depressing that this is true. 30k is all yellow in the same way.
This would look even cooler if it was painted in Deathwing colors.
Warp dust is one hell of a drug.
Stormtroopers vs old school beret wearing Stormtroopers is a better match up. The Berets have hot shot lasguns that edge out blaster rifles. The...