I'm actually going to buy a box of DE cold ones for each 5 saurus cavalry I have, and use those as their mount. Less of the Aztec'ish gold, but I...
Impeccable Foresight: Lord Kroak casts his consciousness ahead, reading the threads of destiny as easily as a mortal would read a map. If Lord...
As per page 3 of the Rules: Units starting the movement phase within 3" of an enemy unit can either remain stationary or retreat. If you choose to...
Thanks! I'll be sure to keep it updated with army lists posted in this thread. I also started recreating the armies in the scrollbuilder, for...
I started compiling the Google doc, please find it here:...
Agreed. I'll also try to find some time soon to wrap all of these tactics in a nice Google doc - should make it easier to find/catalog each army :)
Exactly! Are you really giving in to Nurgle? Speaking of which, I'd be interested in seeing a list for keyword Nurgle, and another one for keyword...
Hey there! I don't have that much experience, however, I found that 3x5 Saurus Guard, plus an Eternity Warden makes for an insane combo. Add a...
What about fielding multiple of the same Batallions? Can we do that? I'd love to field two Thunderquake Hosts!
Just as Silverbolt says; if you make a Troglodon, you have the parts to make an Oldblood. It's just like the Strigoi Ghoul King and a Terrorgheist...
Ah, thanks both! :) I thought it was me! I like my models to have unity where it can, so I ordered some blowpipes on ebay
Hey guys, I was hoping any of you could help me out. I picked up a whole bunch of Seraphon after they re-packaged them with AoS. I'm currently...