Hey guys!! What’s a descent warcry list these days?
Just found these!! Me want them now!!! [ATTACH] Sick base!!!
Right after posting my November goal I realized that I F$&k up…. Let me explain….. I realize that I wouldn’t have much time in November since I’ll...
With the recent inspiration!! this month my goal will be as follow!! step one build all models needed for my new SCE dragon only army!!! (I may...
So I recently got inspired by the new dragon model aka Ionus Cryptborn, into building a full dragon army !! traded in my dominions box half of...
Finally build Vulkan!! what a model!! plus wow he’s big !! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Goals of the month since I’m off most of it heheheh!! 1- enjoy our cruise vacation in the Mediterranean!!! Should be a easy one to accomplish!!!...
So today will have an apocalypse like game at our game store!!! I believe will end up been 3vs 3 at up to 2500 points each!!! So I’ve been...
Oh I knew I just didn’t expect half of them to be white (I guess pearl color) it was a surprise and also the undercoat makes a huge difference now...
Umm interesting [ATTACH]
Hey quick update I got my 6 paint scheme tester ready to go!!! next shoot them each with a different shifters colour from the space dust kit and...
A space dust shifter colour for carapace and then mostly pink for the flesh !!!
Today on the table is this ironclad that I’ll run as a Castra Ferrum Dreadnought with a lovely converted flamestorm Cannon!!! For a upcoming Zone...
So I guess I’ll keep going with this post about all my 40K stuff!!! Another addition to the Phobos family!! He’s all ready to kill some more...
Been a while since I posted on this chat ah!! well I may have purchased a mistake today lol because it’s way bigger then I had imagine …… I mean...
Sounds like you got exactly what your after perhaps just a touch more toward the orange spectrum on the shield especially and bingo !! cheers
I mean he looks pretty good just like that heheheh
Looking great!!! i do have to agree with JTSleep personal white and yellow don’t scream Chaos/Deamons to me …. They do look great for...
So after almost a year since I last touch my space rangers!!! Our local group did a bingo event playing 500 points list 2vs2 what fun we had!!...
I’m looking at turning all the little pipes red, I think a pin wash or all over oil wash not too sure yet which way to go…. Oh and of course paint...