So I’ve been bringing lots of model on the road to build them, this time I decided to bring some to paint!!! With a limited pallet of paint 4...
Now I regret building mine on the old side vs the new star born side…. This would make a nice one too…. It’s weird giving that it’s so close yet...
27 models I count 21?!?
Little update guys man I can’t believe how terrible I’m at this lol!! Step by step of each dry brushing layer in the tactical!! And then a bit of...
Ouch I haven’t been updating much here eh!! This bad boy join the gang!!! [ATTACH] Finally using my airbrush!!! Primed a bunch and base coated...
if you have a airbrush prime again or strait up base colour it I guess …. If spray can then prime it again I guess …. It all depends on the model...
Umm I guess I have 45 knight to practice paint scheme on from now on…..
nice which legions you going for?
In February I finally attack some minis with my airbrush I manage to play with it a little and prime Zénithal highlight them as well with ink !!...
So I purchased basically everything I needed for airbrushing aka airbrush, compressor, fan for ventilation…. like 6+months ago…. Time to start...
A late Christmas present showed up today with extra bits that my daughter already eyed up!! There using cut off bits has box filler really smart...
This month get my paint booth setup!!! So I can finally use my airbrush’s!!!! Heheheh
Well now I have a mostly build HH salamanders army!! Mai this year I would like to get my setup right or the very least have a corner I can...
Question gentlemen and lady’s with or without the skull? with it’s more obviously as to where the banner is coming from lol without I’m not...
Little update guys!!! a couple WIP!! Can anyone guess what I’m working on?[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
murs a possibility but looking at the Kroak sprue I would be very surprised since it’s got bits all over the 3 sprue to make his body ….. unlike...
There was a couple more but wasnt obviously to which faction they belong but these 2 if not seraphon I would be mind blown!!
Some new hero or new line of saurus?!? And a new mounted hero ?!? [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Good news bad news… Bad news I didn’t take much WIP pictures….. good news I impressed myself didn’t think I could make something as good as it...
i guess I should start doing some of that eh!!! Hehehe yes can’t wait to start working in them for sure!! I’m thinking perhaps a dark red/brown...