I think I’m getting close [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
That neck piece just gave me a ideal How about this piece that’s all scar up? [ATTACH]
Working on this terminators cap…. Option 1: anvilgard chariot guys cap [ATTACH] Option 2: krondys neck piece (I could mirror it as well)...
Success ish….. I’ll call it success it’s there not my greatest work but there all there I think I broken every single one except maybe the first...
I know unreal but very surprising how flexible it is under boiling water….. that is until it’s not and break…. so far got 2 glued (yes broke ish...
WIP…..wish me luck!!
If you have access to LA’s totally awesome I’ve use that in the ultrasonic cleaner works good!!
Goal of the month reset the hobby space After some incident in the basement I had to move all my setup, perhaps a good time to figure out where...
yeah idk that I need a second one ….. then again idk that I need a Typhon as well … and since I have Vulcan I won’t be able to run both of them...
Or E: build it as Spartans and paint it a different faction
Hey guys not much of a update other then I finally got my first HH game of a 1000pts quickly made up to 1000 points in model and when for it…....
Little WIP / size comparison!! Im happy there about the same size really similar base mechanically!! [ATTACH]
it would be sick if it were more like the Avatar movie robot suit with a glass canopy make it bullet proof or something, help the poor guy trying...
Me too lol
Agreed I would loved to have a shield in from of me….. that been said other dreadnought aren’t they basically almost dead peeps aka missing limbs...
My birthday present finally showed up!!! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Won’t be touching him for a while but very excited!!
More additions !!! I’ll slowly build toward a vanguard list figured I should start with one of these bad boys!!! Plus new paint to change the...
So yeah this happen today [ATTACH] now I’ll have most of the paint I’ll need, and a bunch a stuff to customize a few character etc!!! plus I’ll...
This month I would like to finish painting a extra 10 Phobos guys and maybe the impulsor as well Setup my new paint rack!! start building some...