If anyone as any tips on list building please send this way I have no clue how to build a descent list keeping in mind I want certain unit for thé...
Hi Guys, It’s early March just join a new army escalation league, hopefully that will bring me back into the hobby!! it’s a 500 points to get...
Hey guys, for March I just join a escalation league for 40K so hopefully this will get the engine going again!! - combat patrol space rangers!!...
I have this unglue thing that is the same brand as my super glue it’s smell like acetone so you could give that a try just wash your hand with...
I use a old piece of sprue and put 2 magnets in it mark one end B for Body and the A I think or X for arms / Xtremity , that way it works for...
Are those saurus or cold one head? the only one with it I’m guessing ?!? Lucky captain!!
Well I can only hope to do better then last year and it shouldn’t be too hard!! Giving that I haven’t painted anything!! I did build a few models...
Where in Canada are you located?
This Christmas as been good to me!!! [ATTACH] the wife order 1 dragon and somehow she received it twice?!? Thx GW[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Can we like this million time!! he looks great!!!
Bro she’s magnificent!!! Great job!! i feel like a model like her should be in our range of model!!
Couldn’t you just give it a wash? Or still wouldn’t work?
so how do you manage to get little lizard to keep that pose and hold on to there weapon long enough to snatch those pictures?!? i mean unreal man...
well I now know where all the boxes when!! Hehehe
Looking good I think there a typo in “ it burns!” With the Unmodified attack is ..... I’m assuming on 6’s it happens... looking forward to what...
Both?!? Prime black and then a light white spray @ 45degree..
It’d said red aka phénix but that will clash with the armour I’m thinking!! Oh perhaps icy blue like Articuno!!
You can use what ever colour you want but to keep it plan and simple.... prime all black follow by a light-moderate white dust on top at a 45...
May I suggest to do a zénithal before painting with the contrast paint... heard great things about going that route!!