Its for future releases. I predict that the Underworlds warband is going to be Coalesced units
A roll of 1 still fails, regardless of modifiers or your save value. Having a save value of 1+ does not contradict this rule, so it is not a...
Fun ways to garrison the Realmshaper Engine are: 1. Garrison a max size squad of Salamanders to make a flaming turret that can melt anything that...
I think throwing Kroak into melee surrounded by guard might be a viable strategy? He is on 3+/3+/-1 (average profile) but has 1 attack for every...
It also does more damage and is harder to kill and more reliably heals everything around it, so maybe its justified?
Engine is much stronger in melee than it was before, both in defense and offense. You can easily stack Save bonuses on it with the Coalesced...
I don't see why we wouldn't be able to bring the regular Chronomantic Cogs as well? They are two different warscrolls, after all. It's gonna be...
I'm impressed that all 4 subfactions are good. Besides the obvious strengths of Thunder Lizard and Fangs of Sotek, even Dracothions Tail and...
Yeah definitely a strong trait for a Carnosaur The Sacred Stegadon Helm works on the EOTG attacks, but the Thunder Lizard's Prime War-Beast does...
That's probably what it should say but also maybe it's intentional? Until they errata it, RAW it doesn't work :( They're doing other stuff...
Can anyone confirm how generating Celestial Conjuration Points works? I think that that each Slann or Troglodon can generate CCP? If so, I want...
I mentioned command trait because it's part of the rule in the Stegadon warscroll [ATTACH] Actually now that I'm looking at it, RAW the Thunder...
Okay? I was talking about the Stegadons Helmet
Command Traits and Artefacts only effect the Skink Chief, not the Stegadon, as per the warscroll. The Engine of the Gods is different and can...
Another thought: Carnosaurs are really really REALLY good now. Especially the Scar Veteran on Carnosaur. Pinned Down was changed to give +1 hit...
Thunderquake Templehost (TQT) gives them either run&charge (great with +1 run and +1 charge constellation) or +1 attack in melee and Coalesced...
Salamanders seem to be really good. They reduced their damage from D6 to D3 but quadrupled their attacks from 1 to 4. Their melee attacks are much...
Seraphon have never had impressive warscrolls (except razordons) our strength always came from synergies and battlefield control. Wait to see the...
Dont jump to conclusions on just seeing the warscrolls... Warscrolls only tell half the story. Allegiance abilities, battalions, and...
I would argue that all the popular artefacts are worth smashing. Just off the top of my head there's the Ethereal Amulet, Ignax's Scales,...