Correct - one unit in reserve for each unit on the table. We want to deep strike the three Saurus heroes, one unit of knights (mostly just to tie...
I disagree. Before: Mystic Shield was +1 save Arcane Bolt was D3mw Celestial Deliverence could only be cast once Celestial Deliverence had 3d6"...
Dracothions Tail lets you put units in reserve and deep strike them into play around your Slann and >9" from an enemy.... in the hero phase! It...
Kroak nerf is a huge hit. Probably won't be viable any more in competitive play unless people start using the Realm of Battle rules and every...
Maybe Tzeentch should use units besides Wizards? They have a battletome full of units besides LOC, Ogroid, Gaunt Summoner, and Endless Spells....
Lens is very strong but it only "shuts down wizards" if your list is only wizards. You can kill the hero holding the Lens using other means, then...
If it was denying 1 mortal wound it would still be very powerful. Denying D3 is... insane.
Even with Kroak giving up 6 spells per turn you're only getting 20-22 CC per turn, not enough to summon a big monster. If you run this list you...
Very happy that Knights and Guard are 10% cheaper :) I don't understand why they reduced the cost of Thunderquake... it must have received some...
I still prefer the 12 Terradon shadowstrike, but this is good news
I would honestly always rather have Saurus Knights over Saurus Guard. Mortal Wounds aside, a 5+ save with 2 wounds is equivalent to a 3+ save, and...
The only good thing about Firelance is getting +3 to charge after teleporting. If you stack it with a balewind vortex pushing you 3" you only have...
Thunderquake is a take-all-comers list. It's not specialized in any one particular way.
Vanguard Wing is an easy matchup for Seraphon. Dracothions Tail completely outdeploys it. Kroak lists are basically hard counters because...
Seraphon are one of the strongest, if not THE strongest army in the game right now with multiple lists capable of crushing tournaments and tons of...
Stormcast got a new battletome because they got new Vanguard models and it was obvious that the "micro factions" idea explored with Extremis and...
They have a 6+ ignore because they are paper thin against regular attacks. If you are struggling with mortal wounds then I would suggest you stop...
Slann (vast intellect) EOTG 3x10 Skinks 1x9 Kroxigors (3 moonhammers) Bastiladon (ark) Stegadon (bow) 170 left over to summon an Astrollith into...
Have you tried a Thunderquake with 9x Kroxigors? It eats horde units for breakfast.
Tie her down with a 2+ rerolling Bastiladon until you get in position to kill her with Stegadon Rend-3 horns, Salamanders Rend-2 shots, and/or...