That's kinda the point? Most allegiance abilities/core summoning mechanics aren't something you can just... ignore. Wouldn't be a very good...
GW's metawatch winrate data shows all but 5 armies within the 45-55% winrate band for both games. I dont trust their stats as far as i can throw...
Yeah, that is certainly true.
you can bring up all the scrolls for free on the aos app, i find that to serve largely the same purpose and be very helpful.
Can't take a universal prayer unfortunately. Without that its unlikely they'll ever be worth it.
when have seraphon been bad? Oh? I hope you aren't talking about anyone on this forum, because that wouldn't be super nice.
Yeah, stats look good. i think the "top" 40k players tend to gravitate towards those top lists which isn't necessarily the case in aos so you...
Better balance than before isn't better balance than aos. I think podium showing from aos GT's consistently shows the aos balance is much, much...
Doing well should always be attributed to the pilot, but it also should mean that the list/subfaction/whatever isn't as...
I'm not sure if that's actually statistically accurate, and hasn't been what i've seen in practice. AoS event podiums are extremely varied, while...
Ya, ridge and Gavin both make up a good chunk of the seraphon 5-0. Think Gavin is sitting on 3 and ridge 2 since the new GHB dropped. Books in a...
No worries at all. I play skinks competitively, just cause its traditionally a much stronger choice but i took a koatls list to an RTT about a...
Tom played nighthaunt and ended 3-2. Vince played sce to a 4-1 and tyler beat my buddy joe's soulblight on table 2 for the lower score 5-0. Ridge...
Got back from Nova, seraphon still holding it down as always. lost 1 game against nurgle on realmstone cache and Gavin running a similarish list...
Conveniently that style of list just got better in the new ghb! Add a basti for some long range pressure and you're good to go :) You can also...
I'm not sure what needs to be faq'd about it. It's working as intended.
I think it'll be faq'd.
"Really soft" is a huge exaggeration. At the end of the day we were head and shoulders the best book in the game and made it through a set of...
I feel you but i'm amped over it honestly. The 2-3 months before a GHB always feel a little stale, and this helps that.
Yes Still the same Yes, bad idea or not is entirely dependent on opponent/plan/board state Just keep a hero really close to him and/or just...