Pretty, pretty nice paintjob! Congratulations! You have a very solid core, I think that wichever the way you expand your army it will be ok. Try...
I was already disappointed with the garrisoning part of the rules. Just because the terrain piece doesn't look garrisonable at all! How is...
Good idea. I'm planning myself on using some time Tenehanuin's old model with the scenic base as proxy.
Double Slann + Oracle + Leader + Saurus Astrolith Bearer [140pts] Skink Oracle on Troglodon [260pts] Skink Priest [70pts] Skink Starpriest...
Ok. I guess I have to tweek the list a little bit beause of there's som models I don't have: - Kroak for a Slann - Starseer for a Starpriset - 5...
Any ideas on how to make a fun list that uses a couple of Slann and a Troglodon? Statborne, probable, But what kind of list? It's just because I...
Since you have to clip the models from their bases anyway I would recommend getting the bases done first (texture, grass, plants, rim colour) and...
Which is however what they should be doing fluffwise.
I bought my EotG from eBay build and painted, but if I had the rest of the parts I would consider unbuilding, magnetising and painting again where...
I agree that it's situational. I understand however at endless spells in general got taxed a little bit since they do better for Seraphon now than...
Probably the only difference is that the new Slann spell that shuts down all regular endless spells doesn't have effect on the bound version.
I think that the new book will allow us to try way more builds/lists than the old one. I started in the hobby a year ago and all the competitive...
That's definetly way less reliable than "wary fighters" but I like that that rule's "spirit" is still there. I do like that Seraphon can still do...
With the new warscrolls we have to as ourselves an old question...:) How do we build our skinks? The options are now: - Meteoric Javelin,...
Not sure if FoS or DT, are battalions now. They seem to be alligiances. The battalions are still Eternal, Shadowstrike, Firelance, Thunderquake...
I must say, that I like the way the rules are better matched with the lore. That skinks get their strength in numbers for exemple just seems......
What do you think about Sylvaneth as allies? Can they summon Wyldwoods as allies? They'd make a nice combo with the Realmshaper Engine...
Saurus knights get 8" move. Spear get +1 dmg on charges Wardrums give rerolls to charge rolls The firelance battalion gives +3 to charge and run...
Bloat toads become 1 use, but can be used by many RIPPERDACTYL units as long as they are WHOLY within 6" from the toad. Bloat toads give the...
Just "The trap is sprung", now is +1 to hit against an enemy unit visible to the starpriest