This is a turnament list, with limitations, so you can only play one piece above 195 points, which has more than 3 attacks = 2 ancients. Giant...
If you play vs empire/ elf / dwarf /orcs, slann without ethereal is a dead man walking. If you don’t play ethereal you n temple guards
Is a turnament list, only 2x unit. Max 6 lv of Magic( dat include bonus spells). I'm considering putting swarms in place of the bastiladon, and...
You n Tzhunki Blade and Talisman on Oldblood. All game play around retard black orcs engage and your Oldblood n to play for counter wyvern...
Slann without ethereal is dead vs Orcs. They have op Magic plus War Machines. Black Orc on wivern is terrible war Machine too. You n to keep...
I used this list against orcs. Minor victory === Bastiladon List [1998 pts] Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen === ++ Characters [807 pts] ++...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] My bastialdon Made with a Toy
Today i’ll post it for Bastiladon
Serpentblood stl with a bit of convertions on skinks. I use it as bastiladon or stegadon with god machine.
Reaper: Impetuous with LD 5. If you use it in a turnament need to know if it works. Skink scout unit work better dat chameleons i think, but only...
4 swarms are better dat Ripple i think. You can better block enemy charge and counter charge with kroxigor and stegadon. Ripple have good impact...
So the best list is with slann. Or you must plan to play only with scan general. I think dat Oldblood with stupidity is not the best on field....
actually you are right. Maybe can play it with horned, enchanted shield, Luckstone and venom of firefly frog. or Aura of Quetzl + Horned