BUT Who is the mummified skink who rolls with him? Thats gotta be a really prestigious position and/or like Kroak's best buddy. I want to know THE...
Just liked this quote and may use it in the future :D:rolleyes:
I like list two for this. I am however a big fan of Feathered Cloak on our big monsters. Having a 2+ save is cool and all, but I feel like...
For 1k points seems pretty great. If you're banking on being able to double-tap those bastiladons every turn be ready for some super swingy games....
I think one thing that has been overlooked is the little weakling character that can add a lot to our army. As it stands I can make a Stormcast...
His phoenix is a WarmaHordes Circle Orboros Storm Raptor FYI. I dig it. I always love how you do your reports. Easy to follow and great to hear...
Now take what I say with a grain of salt. I haven't actually played a game with the new Seraphon book. (Got the book then quarantine happened) I...
Doesn't diminish your statement in any way, but there is one subfaction based artifact that you can avoid taking similar to the command trait...
No. Bound endless spells are part of the Seraphon army.
I think there was a rule somewhere that says "can't cast the same turn its dispelled" I might be a liar though. I lost my ghb19
I'm thinking a Slann/Kroak, a stardrake, and a knight incantor with ever blaze comet. Actual comets for days. Plus you can cast the everblaze...
Correct me if it has been FAQ'd but the Stormcast Battletome under spell lores (p122) says "You can choose or roll for one spell from one of the...
First off woohoo! This is thread number 1000 in this section!! Secondly I'm looking at taking a Slann in a Stormcast army. For 260 points we get...
I just wanted to create this thread cause I dont know where else to put it. Was looking through my battletome and the bound endless spells are...
I think I prefer the feather cloak if I am thinking about it. A natural 4+ save is bad for a monster. That basically dies to everything. Now if...
@Lizerd Unfortunately at the moment I only own two steggos. I'm picking up a third sometime soon, but a fourth will be hard to come by until GW...
I think I'm a lot like @Lizerd with his love for carnosaurs, but my object of fascination lies in the good ol Steggie-boys. However i know that...
I dont know if this is what you're going for but the blades on my Stalkers were done with a base of Vallejo Gun Metal and then I painted the...
As it stands EotG is a better carrier for something like the Sacred Steg Helm because it affects all his attacks. I like list 2 but maybe drop...