Ok Can't wait for more!
I cannot believe I have not seen this before. this is one of the best planting blogs I have seen with not to much converting. More Sally Ones/Razy...
If you need more points I suggest either a Bastiladon with an Ark of Sotek or a Troglodon/Carnosaur Love it, keep it up!
I agree, nicely done u :D
day before cancon (the tourney I am going to) and my army is finished! My list is as follows lords Lord Rip'Pit (Slann) Disciplines: Transcendent...
Sorry about that! I had a bad light source at the time, but my Golden Demon winning friend hasbsaid they look great forsomeonemy age. I have now...
Found a great one. Only if I could remember the web sites name...
Re: My first Lizardmen (and Warhammer) army (Pics up, yes ps Hey guys, Wanted to update my diary with painted pics! I am not going to get it all...
For the stegadon i think you should make it like either a Pachyrhinosaurus or another ceratopsian (horned dinosaur) like Triceratops or...
I also swapped out my Olblood on Carnosaur and Temple Guard and Terradons for a Slann Mage Priest (Mage-Priest Rip'Pit!) and a Scar Veteran on...
I see your point, but in my game they (quite literally) killed one model with a lucky roll with a rider throwing a javelin. Anyway... over the...
I agree with both sides on the Troglodon thing. I agree that the cave system would be hard to support a large predator (wonder why Spinosaurus...
Also apart from looking cool Terradons have no use. I had stupidly already assembled them as Terradons when I found out they suck and...
I am not a fast painter. By that I mean paint one unit, while one part of it is drying do another etc. I probably won't get all that done tomorrow...
Love how you are making the Troglodon a Baryonyx-type thing! Nice conversion on the head as well!
Hey guys, Played a game of Warhammer today (ogre scum...) and lost horribly. Afterwards I decided to get it on! All I did was put some basing...
N810 I know that, guy I bought it off didn't stick it in! sigh
Ok then. I would go with the Steggy over Sally, but the Chameleon Skink two units I see working now.... :rage:
The only thing I would consider changing is the two units of Chameleon Skinks into one. Apart from that I think it is a nicely balanced list
Awesome paint job (might have to steal it!) No seriously though nice fluff/models On the topic of Blot-Toads I put mine on the base on one of...