Painting wise I think I am gonna go with classic blue lizards or maybe bright green. I get to many ideas from looking at other peoples blogs......
Mate, lookin good. You are not the only slow painter -cough- me -cough- :D
In my army I have a new plastic Ancient Stegadon. Worst model to put together ever! My friend had to help me assemble the Engine of the Gods! And...
Cool Gorgosaurus
Assembly Pics Up! Saurus Unit[attach] Oldblood Ry'pper on Gorgon the Carnosaur [attach] And an army shot (so far) [attach] And thanks...
And thanks for a warm welcome! :D Grgosaurus
I am starting with a 2,500 point army, i have started assembly and will be uploading some pics of models i have assembled so far in a few minutes....
Nice job man! :meh: Keep it up (would love to see more Chameleon Skinks :D ) Gorgosaurus :beaver:
Wow man.Wow. You are just frickin awesome. My dad is currently working on a Greek based army. He is doing the Minotaurs Space Marines and uses...
Hey guys, I am a 40k player who has (recently) decided to try Warhammer Fantasy. Looking at Storm of Magic and the new models GW AND my passion...
Love it! My favourite (so far) is the chariot. I also like the Horned One/rider! :beaver: