fair enough! cant deny living by the armies vibes
Just got back from an amazing event in Massachusetts this weekend. Everwinter GT. great mix of armies and players. great community. big highlight...
finished this monster. Stegadon chief proxy or bastiladon. made molds of the bastiladon parts and then added all the left over bits to flesh it...
yeah, so if the intended target is outside 12, would need to order of operations move the chief first
he just buffs his attacks one time? or each turn in reserve adds +2?
looks to be no, he gains +2 attacks if you leave him off the board for 1 turn. To capitalize on the MW attack, I would bring him on turn 2
So question regarding order of operations on the terradon chief CA. Example: I want to fly my terradons out over an enemy and have them drop...
Anyone play any games with prime allied in? looked like a fun piece to mix up the same old same old army list
I am assuming the battletome beats out warscroll builder when the book says 5 wounds, but the online builder says 4?
sweet, even more value for the engine
wait, engine of the gods is just an ability? you could run and "shoot" it?
good question, I always assumed it was a shooting attack and played it as that (not being able to charge), interested in hearing other responses
got some terradons... errr beetles ready to fly. Eggplant giant beetles with Strawberry poison dart frog riders Mermaid essence nail polish for...
Realm Shaper engine is ready to go. flock and foliage will finish the front, thinking a space back drop for the back side[ATTACH]
that is a great looking model
I recently ran him in an event, went 3-2 in a thunder lizard list, no guard, yes banner. When he is on, he is on... usually means things are...
thanks! glad you could see them in person!
thank you! gonna work on some giant flying beetles and my regular slann next
triceratops skeleton stuck in the mud... and the engine collapsed on top of it! really lean into it for vines: coconut fibers (the stuff from...