and after the first time it is cast and moved, the next rounds it moves in the hero phase because it is a "spell" even though it has already been...
The debuffs that get applied, do they last until the next hero phase? I did not see it listed in the spell profile.
i am messing around with modelling options for being able to use different endless spells. I cant see on GW, but is the purple sun on the large...
Hello, I am looking for some spare bits to help in the conversion department. I can offer cash Some of these maybe a long shot but any spare...
After a game with nurgle where a summoned plague bearers unit moved onto an objective to finish the game and secure the win. We were discussing...
I am curious as to how or why you like jav over blow pipes. I am leaning more towards blowpipes but just like the idea of both
ran the Steg chief in a game and it never lined up getting the buff onto a unit of skinks, but looking back at the rule, does it work similar to...
yeah my games seem to be pointing in that direction. will try out a 40/10/10 split next
Had 2 games with these 2 large blobs of skinks. since the priests can really only super buff 1 unit at a time, the 2nd blob tends to just sit and...
On the krox unit, does the "skink" key word apply to all "skink" or more exact, kinda like the way the FoS is just skink warscroll and cham. for...
Just finished turn 2 in an online match against nurgle. 1 shot a demon prince with the solar engine... results convinced me ha!
Only bummer is a lot of the long, cast pikes are gonna be a pain. have to see if those little frog wrists hold up to being drilled out and...
not responsible for critter mix ups. I just source the memes.
Got my order for the large majority of units in my upcoming FoS list. The 4th Divisional Frogs of the Great Pond reporting for duty. And Turtle...
on the same note, you can "lord space etc" after summoning a unit? end of movement phase 1. summon unit 2. teleport unit 3. unit can shoot in...
what do you think of a trog vs scar vet on carno in a fangs of sotek list? Is it weird I like the range attack option on the trog vs pure melee of...
I only just saw the points reduction for the trog. Have folks already crunched this adjustment? How do people think the new value compares to...
in my extremely low number of games under my belt, do folks like the moonstone club on the krox? I found it was doing less damage than if i had...
cool i had it right. but then I saw you also get the "ways of the seraphon" bonuses too?
when looking at the warscroll army list building on GW, I just had this question pop up. Does starborne count as its own constellation? I was...