Nearly done..... [ATTACH]
Erm............It may be. Please don't judge. :)
I'm moving house once the current situation passes and am planning a hobby room. This will sit pride of place. It is a set build, and took 3...
Funnily enough, I just built this. I'm already planning more purchases! [ATTACH]
Starting to worry my single Kroxigor, a Saurus Sunblood and two Saurus Knights (with completed Cold Ones) wont keep me occupied throughout lock...
She is first minister. The PM is Boris Johnson. Just saying......
A (too)close up of my first completed Kroxigor. Other two should be done by the end of the week. My Seraphon masses are expanding..... [ATTACH]
Dogs and dinosaurs..........[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Early days and plenty of green stuff.... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
At last, finished my Saurus Guard!
Working on Saurus Guard and Kroxigors, but eying my new Realmshaper Engine still its box. Patience.......
Still cracking on with my Saurus Guard. 5 left to do; getting there slowly.
Picked up the Battletome. Also picked up several key paints.......Just in case.
Go for a long walk in the countryside?
I heard that toilet paper in the UK was being horded due to Corona Virus.... Now I know it's really been brought to wipe away salty tears....
Is that a new terrain piece in the picture of the coalesced Seraphon, an alternate option from the upcoming ziggurat or a kit bash piece?
Treble like.....
So, how is everyone going to construct their ziggurat? New or old? I'm going with old to match the feral feel of my Seraphon.