Celebrating the new Battletome by painting more Seraphon.
Regarding the latest Rumour Engine - why would it be elves when they are being announced very soon? It seems to negate the purpose when the teaser...
At last! Five Saurus Guard join my army. Just ten left to do...... [ATTACH]
I love a good wishlist, but this is different. I'm not a 'guess what my uncles, sisters, mums dog just said' kind of poster; just heard this...
Just heard plastic Kroxigors are coming. Dont know when, but they are. Cant reveal source, but I trust them.
The only model I have real issue with (and wouldn't buy) is the salamander. It looks like a child built it out of clay then left it near the...
Just brought the Kroxigors and I think they are great. My humble opinion of course.
Still working on Saurus Guard: [ATTACH]
Just looking over the Kroxigors I recieved for Christmas. Must be lucky because, despite all the stories of bad moulding, these are crisp and...
That Kharadron model in a new box set may convince me to start a KO faction (Second to my Seraphon army......of course!)
Optimisticly pessimistic?
Happy Holidays :)
1st Worst = Merged into Stormcast army 2nd Worst = Cancelled
Apologies if this has been noted elsewhere (it's that obvious), but is the film Event Horizon the most 40k film they never made? If you called...
Loved the books. The film is awfully brilliant, if you get my meaning. I think it's great but it's no oscar winner and poor compared to the book....
Excuse my ignorance, but I thought that most of GW WFB model lines had/is being slowly 'AoS'ed'; so unless you have an old army you would have to...
Linked into some of the above conversations regarding 'new WFB' and using models from AoS. How many AoS models would be incompatable with 'new...
Anyone got any opinions on Bonereapers? Just askin'............
It's not? Prove it.....;)