Also, to be honest those funko-pop ones are the weirdest. You're already making some of the highest quality miniatures so you decide to make a fat...
After 3 months, finally completed my Stegadon. Just treated myself to some Saurus Guard....... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
To be fair, they have added some interesting models/factions recently (IDK and KO) so I'll forgive them for this 80's comic/TV disaster.
I agree, I was referring to this..... [ATTACH]
Open your your mind.........
Spilled my manky water pot over two models I'm painting and the freshly applied Stegadon base. Am using my tears to mop up........
Do it!
Painting my Stegadon 'crew' and planning what my next project will be.
3) Why are you here? :)
It's just a shame that they are more like 1980s toys now........
More income I would guess....
Trimming and gluing the skinks for my Stegadon.
It was a desperate hope that Seraphon might be Lizardmen in the next Battletome. One can dream I suppose.........
Ahhhhhh, that explains it. Thanks.
Fingers crossed, although why called Lizardmen and not Seraphon?
Still working on the Stegadon. Two months in and so much still to do. [ATTACH]
All history is written by the successful and winners. In this age of fake news and social media we struggle to work out what happened yesterday,...
Why let the truth get in the way of a good story.....
No they didn't....
Nearly close to quite nearly getting towards the end of the final stage of completing my Stegadon........ Should be done by 2027.