Haha :) Ok thanks, then ill give it another try
My hope was rising because of the hemmerald herald article and now I think they were reading this thread and laughing about most of us^^
awesome! can you give some advise for the watereffect on the base? i've tried it with still water and ruined a whole base ^^
With 1000 pt matches i like to play -slann (as general) with great rememberer Spell: meteoric convocation -skink starpriest -old blood on carno...
It can‘t be far :)
to me, even though the kharadron models look pretty cool, it‘s got to be the fyreslayers imo.
Oh yeah! I remember when they were released to fantasy. Nice miniatures and nice army. Do you Play them in fantasy matches or can you transfer...
yup, that‘s what i meant ;) Nice Point. I‘m definitly afraid of their rush ^^ Does anybody have general tipps on starting a second army. I‘m...
I really like them too but i thought That i don‘t start a second order army^^
Ogors? What do you like about them? played a couple of Matches against, yes they are strong but the models are not the best imo.
Hey everyone, i want to ask you about your other projects beside the Seraphon. So what is your second favorite army and why? I‘m asking because...
Ahhh :) thanks for this helpful example.
ok, thanks a lot. But what do you mean with „beyond That no max range“ ? As far as i understand it, is 12“ the Max range!?
Hey everyone, i have a basic question for the summoning. I‘m sorry if this was already asked but i did not find the answer. My question is, how...
Well i hope That we don‘t have to wait until adepticon
Right now i‘m much more excited about all the reactions then the actual preorder announcement ^^
Should be around 6 pm cet. But i think killer angel is totaly right. Distract yourself I haven‘t Posted in this thread yet but it‘s a lot of fun...
ok cool, thanks a lot :) and what about the abilitie of the sunblood? if my old blood is the general? for example, i safe my command point in the...
Hi everyone, i'm an old fantasy player and i had a long pause of playing but now i'm back in the game and started the with the great seraphon....