Welcome! The SC box is one of the best value one out there, especially if you take advantage of the kitbash options as mentioned by Chapter. The...
Yep, if that quote was verbatim it does sound a bit like "yeah, geez you got a short story 18 months ago, at the same time every other faction got...
I'm sure this has been done before but just in case it hasn't
I suppose we haven't taken in to account the temperature of the rocks either, I'd propose somewhere in the region of 1000C, basically sacrificing...
Only one thing better than dropping rocks on Stormcast... dropping Stormcast on to rocks
My musing on it so far 1. Skinks can still use 'Wary Fighter' to withdraw from combat, this is an ability used in the combat phase and not a...
Give all Saurus an ability to deal a MW on a hit roll of 6+ on their jaws to represent them tearing the throat out of an enemy, a small extra buff...
Yep, I'm aware of that, my tongue was firmly in my cheek, a facetious reason as to why it would be written as a result of 18+ rather than just 18 :)
Interesting, by the wording it says if there is A Slann nearby, it can flex it's will... roll one additional dice, that to me reads as with two...
I am of the same mind as Canas on this, and from a fluff perspective I would imagine that we should be able to be taken as allies by any army at...
I've never played or seen Blood Bowl in person but checking GWs website, all the minis for it come with 32mm bases even gobbos and haflings, so I...
You opponent has it wrong, it is for each casting attempt so adding the Balewind and Cogs gives two extra spell attempts so 2 x 3 CCP. Of course...
I completely understand where you are coming from, especially when it comes to Kroak, I would love to see him being remade with a whole load of...
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but I can see artefact shattering being useful in the very situational use of the Places of Arcane Power...
We at least get a colour named after us! Terradon Turquoise so we've not been forgotten about totally! :)
I like the concept, very good idea! Though unfortunately straight off the bat I can see an issue, you have Lord Kroak providing Celestial...
Well played! :)
I'm not sure what I am more disappointed about, that list or nothing new for us at Adepticon. I was watching the game and started to worry when...
It's ok though, because being Seraphon when something inside you dies just remember it and there it is back to life :)
Just a point on the astrolith nerf and slightly off topic but before it use to say "any failed hit rolls" now it just says "you can re-roll hit...