Can't vote, they are like my children, I love them all equally in their own individual ways :D
Also if you're Curse of Fate-ing it you can then also use the +1 to a dice in the combat phase to increase a wound roll from a 5 to a 6 and...
Just got mine, both metal
It's in the AoS mobile app, or at least that's what I'm basing my info off :) Edit: typo
Nope, they buffed it up to -2 :)
My last game was against a Slaanesh army, needless to say I went full on for throwing out mortal wounds on her heroes. By the end of my 3rd hero...
I think I would have to give it to Kroak, Nagash is the God of Death and has control of all the dead in the realms... Kroak is dead but thought...
Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay, you've come to the right place for information :) Just a few points, unfortunately to generate summoning...
I'll definitely be getting Tehenauin and hopefully magnetising in such away so he can be on his regular base but I can then put him on a 25mm base...
I like to use the Gryph-feather Charm from Ghur on my Slann when running Thunderquake (-1 to hit in shooting and +1" move), I keep him in range of...
I see no reason why you can't, and I've toyed with the idea myself, my one concern would be failing the "return" cast and having a unit very exposed
It's actually 19, you get one extra point for your general being a Slann :)
Yeah, a 40 unit of skinks with Shadowstrike can be good, admittedly I had some lucky dice rolls and my opponent had some bad ones but a 40 blob...
I'm really liking the look of the Ghyrstrike from Ghyran on a Sunblood, +1 to hit and +1 to wound so hitting and wounding on 2+ with 5+ hits...
LoSaT got a nerf/buff... Now on a 1-2 the unit can't teleport or move but also on a 5-6 it can move after it teleports... Not sure how I feel...
In the article from yesterday about summoning it states Slann and Astrolith Bearers for summoning units, but in the Facebook picture up today it's...
This. The same thought came to me after reading about the realm magic and the attempt to lessen the impact of AB and MS, leaving the Slann with...
I'm personally really looking forward to what they do with the magic system, at the moment it's a bit disappointing that fluff wise Slann are some...