Hi! My local GW store is holding a league in a month, so I decided to participate, even if I am pretty noob is a good chance to learn more about...
Be proud of your work, it is pretty awesome. Waiting for the final result!
I can't tell you the exact paints but what I see from the official sample is a palid skin tone + blueish or crimsonish shadows. That could be...
Clean work!!! Nice models, looking forward to see more from you :)
I finished my first 10 skinks and started painting 2 Bastiladons so not bad! Update in my blog :) By the way, how do you link the exact picture...
Scrofulous Brown and tank brown, also white :P Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the comments guys :) Picture of ten more skinks!! [ATTACH]
Cool schemes! Keep us updated!!
I use the purity seal on my models, it has been pretty effective so far :)
Nice skills! Looking forward to see it almost finished :P
I hope this helps: [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I love your conversions! These add so much personality to your army.... I would love to see them painted!
Good job, like those guys :)
I would love to see the good old poison attacks we used to have :p love skinkss!
I might be optimistic but form the pictures of the box, it doesn's match, so I think it is pretty safe that it has nothing to do with that box :)
Im my opinion there are too many scales for it to be a skink. However, let's hope it is a seraphon-related model :p But I also think it won't be a...
December 11th
We could have hope on this being something Seraphon-related!! :)
I think I will have to reduce my goal from 60 skinks to 10 skinks and a Bastiladon!!
Note that the new kit, the one in the right can be mounted as: Stegadon with bow Stegadon with sunfire thrower Stegadon (ancient) with Engine of...
Hi! You could use a darker wash (Druchii Violet e.g.). Then drybrush with skull-white and glaze the drybrushed areas (not the recesses) with a...