April’s white dwarf is going to feature the “battle of Tepok’s eye” which sounds pretty seraphon-y, maybe their part of broken realms? Maybe...
I'm interesting in getting a start in Warcry sometime this year, but my ideal warband would be mostly skinks lead by a Starseer- does this sound...
I guess there's that broken realms short story where a lumineth missionary in one of the outlying towns around anvilgard stays and fights to the...
Even if they don’t, they work perfectly to replace basically all the resin heroes except the starseer (and if you’re making chameleons out of the...
Could they be counting the dread pageant from underworlds?
Had a very stressful week with some medical stuff from people close to me, very lucky they're coming out of it entierly ok, but I ended up doing a...
If they didn't make completely different rules for them as CoS units unrelated to kislev, it could be that the great hag or a chunk of the land...
Cubicle 7 put out their February product update, and it includes a Seraphon themed PDF supplement coming for Soulbound at some point this year. It...
I've been playing around with these two for a while, but I think i finally settled on what I want to do with them in the broad strokes (though not...
A bit of a break from seraphon for the moment, I ended up nabbing the Ynnari triumvate for christmas for myself with an eye to conversions (maybe...
Yeah, going back to the Warhammer community post “they” Is definitely intentionally used as the pronouns for this skink priest, but I definitely...
We might get lucky and have the warband's AoS warscroll be good enough to be worth using as-is? Knowing the underworld warscroll track record,...
Hadn't seen it mentioned here, but the core rule book for Direchasm mentions the Seraphon warband in passing, referring to one of their members as...
Continuing both conversions (kitbashes?) and sort of an eye to a warcry warband, I got curious about how the Master of Skies parts would fit onto...
I’m not sure we can consider Slaanesh free just because their child is, we don’t really know whether the child is actual godling offspring, an...
I never got around to updating this thread with all the stuff i've been trying lately, but I ended up finishing the little skink, complete with a...
I'm not sure I totally agree with the steam post, Kroak is the most powerful spellcaster in the setting with Mazdamundi as likely the most...
I get the feeling a warcry or underworlds band would be from Fangs of Sotek, at the very least, given they're the faction that fit the whole thing...
We got some interesting new information in the new battletome about temple ships, with some of them being pretty modular in nature (entire...