Between more units with a 5 in their point cost and staying the same price while their constituent units got more expensive, are the starblood...
To be fair, if Kragnos wasn’t there then Kroak wouldn’t have been there either, his presence actually saved the city through that. Though at the...
Cubicle7 released a preview of the upcoming Stars and Scales expansion for soulbound, talking about what’s going to be squeezed into its 50 pages....
Yeah pretty much, a fun troll ahead of release
Full warscroll [IMG]
Turns out I really enjoy painting dwarves! Some great practice on blending with these two and their beards, and I fell in love with that awful...
Weird that Radukar the wolf is being sold separately to the other cursed city villains, when their current warscroll means you have to take them...
Because he gives all of them a piece of himself, and equips them with armor forged from the solid core of the world that was, partially. the...
Thunder Lizards and Koatl's Claw are both Coalesced subfactions, while the first two are Starborne
Within couple weeks is the assumed timeframe, since it’s all finished writing editing etc and the official word is just “keep an eye out for it,...
Worth noting that this is 50 pages of Seraphon content, a big chunk of which will be fluff like with all Soulbound stuff. This is 100% going to...
Thanks! I got a couple of preowned rippers for cheap after they got nerfed so I might try one of those out along with the bolt spitter skinks....
So for a basic warband I’m thinking a Slann and a guard alpha, then a couple of ripperdactyl/terradon and filling the rest of the list with range...
Just one this time, the secretlly-namarti Soulscryer i play in AoS: Soulbound. The scryfish are all being painted up as Clownfish, but I haven't...
I really love that Gatorman proxy as a leader, it fits the aesthetic perfectly while still holding enough GW krox to fit in with the resin normals
I think it does pretty clearly lay out Kroak out-planning Bel'akor, Kroak succeeds in destroying Eater of Tomes and shutting down Archaon's...
I’m not sure what goal kroak is supposed to have failed at, the most dangerous gaunt summoner (the one who was helping with archaon’s Varanite to...
A couple more BR reviews are coming out and making it clearer what the Seraphon role in the narrative is outside of the Silver Tower stuff, and I...
The contents and story stuff has a review out now, here: Obviously needs to...
In the realmgate wars story Beneath The Black Thumb he interrupts a Nurgle cultist who’s communing with his god, completely shuts off their...