I’m fairly sure he’s only appeared in one AoS story (the one where he rearranged the stars into a smiling frog face) where he’s just kind of there...
It's interesting because this month's white dwarf story you'd think would lead into Kroak appearing, it ends with a lone Terradon rider being sent...
That 4chan synopsis is very weird given the last part about his daemon army is just something explained in this month’s white dwarf (that a lot of...
It seems like the Seraphon part of the conflict might be like the FEC/Bonereapers plot from BR: Teclis. That's a double edged sword because the WD...
Seraphon don’t get their own endless spells because their gimmick is their mastery over magic meaning they can bind (and bring as part of a list)...
Theyre also characters appearing in Broken Realms, apparently the weekly model reveals for the foreseeable future are going to be the same. That’s...
With the Soulbound beastiary including every Seraphon unit that has a model (except Saurus warriors and I guess technically engines of the gods)...
It’s a little unwinnable, Seraphon will either job or come in and scramble one of Belakor’s important plans and be in the same role they always...
It's confirmed the Battle of Tepok's Eye teased in this month's WD is a Flashpoint from Broken Realms: Bel'akor, involving his forces fighting the...
Nagash’s control over death and his mortarchs isn’t really absolute, there’s like a tiny bit of back and forth in the way some stuff is worded but...
If Seraphon did it, it would’ve just been a standard dues ex machina that’s characterized a lot of their appearances in the fiction so far ;)...
Skeptically hopeful then, maybe ;)
With soulbound’s Seraphon stuff coming in a few months and the NDA weirdness they’ve had with it, combined with kroak ascending from the store...
260 points for the twins is the same as a Slann, i guess it'd be hard to find a place for them in most armies
Thanks for the kind words! I've enjoyed playing around with the aesthetic enought that I might have to shove myself into making a boat stegadon...
Not a lot of progress lately, and most of it on some other non-seraphon stuff i'm not super close to done with, but i've been making a Skink Alpha...
I imagine it’s not actually for Lumineth, these two are like Gotrek in that any Order army can grab them without it being a normal Ally so having...
This is the weirdest part of it, to me? I understand why they have the coalesced and Thunder lizard traits, because it's a flavor thing, makes...
Does this stack with that, though?
I guess the priest's ability in a thunder lizards list would allow a bastilladon to move and shoot/charge, then shoot a second time, once per...