Just a carefree update, just came back from the game. I ran a cheese fun list of 9 Salamanders and Kroak in DT. Long story short, the damage...
I do actually, we could take this to DMs if you wish for a game to happen, though I haven't used it in months.
I guess I kinda get what you are saying. Obviously I can't go toe to toe with 15 buffed up HGs, so there needs to be some tricks and strategy...
Having only played KC lists in 2.0 (40/40/10 warriors or 10/10/5 knights with a Oldblood etc) I have branched into some TL and even some FoS. I...
Hello everyone! After a series of somewhat competitive matches in the past month or two, there is a calm before the storm in the shape of friendly...
The problem that I can see here is that one Warlord has Kroak in it for the Commander slot, but the 2nd Warlord Battalion has the Engine with 12+2...
All interesting posts to read, that is why I love this forum. To chip in with my rather shallow experience with AoS, I started playing from the...
From their Errata, Longshanks works on move, run and retreat. Not charge. So, my understanding is that they still need to manually kill the...
To me, it is greatly obvious that the new Ward rule encompasses both our Astrolith, and all the other abilities of that ilk.
New batch of updates. Cogs nerfed to the ground, pinned by two units with touching bases no longer prevents movement in pile-in, all abilities...
I ran the calculations on a 3rd party website that can presumably run calculations with these buffs, made just for AoS. It matches Caleb's...
Ah alright, thanks for the clarification of my grandiose expectations. I was going off of Caleb's Steg Chief video where he estimated those damage...
The damage was after all the saves. Given that the average versus 5+ saves was something around 50 judging by youtube clips, I expected a whole...
Seems like a solid list, just keep in mind that Bless is absolutely a ward save of 6+, so it will not work with the Amulet, but either one of...
I will give a list like this a try in the coming week or two in a friendly match since my local league is over and there is a month break from the...
The bracket hurt a bit, but the DoK player rolled all the sixes for saves sadly. Fell really short of the expected output, but turned out well for...
So, the match is played, and I ended up winning the league with the above list. The opponent ran a 2x15 shooters, 1x5 melee screen, Morathi and...
The list is fairly simple: Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Thunder Lizard - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Grand Strategy: Beast Master - Triumphs:...
By some miracle, surely the work of the Great Plan, I made it to the finals of my gaming clubs League format. Group stage, into quarter finals,...
Solid advice. I was thinking Basti either shoots supporting heroes, like the one that gives rerolling spell cast rolls in a bubble, or something...